In the world of data analysis and business intelligence, dealing with text data is a common task. Whether it’s product names, customer reviews, or sales regions, text data is everywhere. However, text data can often be messy and inconsistent, requiring various manipulations to make it suitable for analysis. That’s where the REPLACE function in DAX (Data Analysis Expressions) comes into play.

DAX is a collection of functions, operators, and constants that can be used in formulas or expressions to calculate and return one or more values. It’s the backbone of data modeling and reporting in Power BI, Microsoft’s interactive data visualization tool.

Among the myriad of functions in DAX, the REPLACE function is a powerful tool specifically designed for text manipulation. It allows you to replace part of a text string with another text string, providing a simple yet effective way to clean and transform your text data.

Whether you need to standardize product codes, correct typos in customer reviews, or reformat sales regions, the REPLACE function has got you covered. It’s a function that’s easy to understand but can be used in a variety of ways, making it a valuable tool in any data analyst’s toolkit.

In this guide, we’ll take a deep dive into the REPLACE function, exploring its syntax, basic usage, and some advanced scenarios. We’ll also provide examples of DAX code to illustrate how the function can be used in real-world situations. By the end of this guide, you’ll have a solid understanding of the REPLACE function and how to use it effectively in your Power BI reports. So, let’s get started!


The syntax of the REPLACE function is as follows:

REPLACE(<oldText>, <startNum>, <numChars>, <newText>)
  • <oldText>: The original text string.
  • <startNum>: The starting position of the text that you want to replace.
  • <numChars>: The number of characters that you want to replace.
  • <newText>: The text that you want to replace the old text with.

The function returns a new text string that is the result of replacing the specified part of the old text with the new text.

Basic Usage

Let’s start with a basic example. Suppose you have a column of product codes, and you want to replace the first two characters of each product code with “AB”.

Here’s how you can do it with the REPLACE function:

New Product Code = REPLACE(Products[Product Code], 1, 2, "AB")

This formula creates a new column called “New Product Code”. For each product code, it replaces the first two characters with “AB”.

Advanced Usage

The REPLACE function can also be used in more advanced scenarios. For example, you can use it to replace parts of a text string based on conditions or to replace multiple parts of a text string.

Here’s an example of replacing parts of a text string based on conditions:

New Product Code = 
    LEFT(Products[Product Code], 2) = "XX", 
    REPLACE(Products[Product Code], 1, 2, "AB"), 
    Products[Product Code]

This formula replaces the first two characters of the product code with “AB” only if they are “XX”. Otherwise, it leaves the product code unchanged.

And here’s an example of replacing multiple parts of a text string:

New Product Code = 
    REPLACE(Products[Product Code], 1, 2, "AB"), 
    3, 2, "CD"

This formula first replaces the first two characters of the product code with “AB”, and then replaces the next two characters with “CD”.


The REPLACE function in DAX is a versatile tool that you can use to replace parts of text strings in your Power BI reports. Whether you’re cleaning data, manipulating text, or creating new text based on conditions, the REPLACE function has got you covered. So give it a try, and see how it can enhance your data analysis capabilities!

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